1986, Grafton, pbk
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- The King of the Swords [top]
First published in 1972
(1st UK Edition) in Great Britain by Grafton Books (Collins Publishing Group), in hardback
Reprinted in 1972
in Great Britain by Grafton Books; and again in 1972, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1984
Reprinted in 1986 in Great Britain by Grafton Books, in paperback, 142pp, ISBN 0583119999 . Front cover illustration by Bob Habberfield
About this book: This is the third of the Books of Corum, which concerns the quests and adventures of Corum Jhaelen Irsei of the Vadhagh Folk, who is also called the Prince of the Scarlet Robe
Book One
1. The Shape on the Hill
2. The Sickness Spreads
3. Chaos Returned
4. A New Ally for Earl Glandyth
5. The Deserted City
6. The Weary God
Book Two:
1. Chaos Unbounded
2. The Castle Built of Blood
3. The Rider on the Yellow Horse
4. The Manor in the Forest
5. The Lady Jane Pentallyon
6. Sailing on the Seas of Time
7. The Land of Tall Stones
8. Into the Small Storm
Book Three:
1. Voilodion Ghagnasdiak
2. To Tanelorn
3. The Conjunction of the Million Spheres
4. The King of the Swords
5. The Last of Glandyth
Epilogue |