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Titles to Look Out For:
The Third Screen: Marketing to Your Customers in a World Gone Mobile by Chuck Martin

2011, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, pbk
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About this book: With the "first screen" - the television - companies sent ads directly into consumers' living rooms, reaching millions with one campaign. The "second screen" - the personal computer - increased interaction between companies and consumers and allowed for immediate feedback. The "third screen" - the mobile device - changes the game in a revolutionary way.
The smartphone has enabled a new breed of consumer, on the go and always on and connected, tapping into content at the touch of a button, on demand, anytime, anywhere. And mobile consumers are doing a lot more than talking on their phones. They're reading books and articles, sending and receiving photos, checking email, text, watching videos, researching and purchasing products, scanning bar codes in shops, downloading coupons, buying movie tickets and much, much more.
Marketers and businesspeople who don't understand the untethered consumer risk becoming obsolete, or at the least falling behind competitors (who do). This breakthrough book links the technological developments of m-commerce to the behavioural changes that accompany them, and reveals how key mobile innovators (large and small brands alike) are becoming the mobile platform providers of the future. Martin guides readers through the use of mobile video and SMS messaging, apps, location-based marketing, advertising and mobile social media. Learn how big brands such as Pepsi Co., ING Direct and Lexus have partnered with mobile startups like Foursquare, ScrollMotion and Crisp Wireless to change the face of marketing as we know it

Mobile is Game Changing
The Under-the-Radar REvolution; Mobile is Unique; The Mobile Market; The Untethered Consumer; The Mobile End Game

Chapter 1
The Rise of the Untethered Consumer
Mobile is Personal; The M-Powered Customer; The Customer as Mobile Platform; Mobile Drives Behavioural Change; Travelling with the Buyers; Global Mobile; Luxury Brands and Mobile

Chapter 2
Smartphones Rule
A Computer for Every Hand; The Birth of the Cell Phone; Enter the Smartphone: The Two-Phone Era; Just Another Thing in My Pocket (vs. The Main Thing in My Pocket); Enter the iPhone Era; The Platforms; Old vs. New Phones; Old Phone Money; The Smarts of the Smartphone; Spreading the Word on Apps; The iPad: The Lure of the Vanity Buy; The Push Behind Smartphones

Chapter 3
Real Time Moves to All the Time
Information Resides in the Smarphone "Cloud"; Real-Time Bidding For Marketing Messages; Starting with Research; Dealing with Customers in Real Time; Making the Case for Mobile Internally; The Mobile Time-Shifting Conundrum; Mobile Phone Usage

Chapter 4
Customer Engagement in a World Gone Mobile
Mobile Business Goal Alignment; Follow Your Customers; Mobile Engagement; Find Solutions That Drive Engagement; Provide Value and a Call to Action; Hyperlocal Mobile; Test and Learn; Test, Learn, Evolve; Avoid the Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome

Chapter 5
There's an App for That: The New Broadcasting
Mobile Content and Context as King; Watching TV and Reading on a Phone; Transforming the Book Experience; Constant Content; The Role of Video in Mobile: The Reinvention Paradigm; New Content for a New Medium; Age of the Mobile Video Platforms; Advertising on Mobile Video Platforms; Where to Spend on Mobile Marketing; Closed Mobile: There's a Map for That; Mobile Computers; Using Apps Phones

Chapter 6
On Location, On Location, On Location: LBM
Marketing in Place; Brick and Mortar as Asset; In Motion Research; Keeping Up with Customers; Driving, Keeping, and Converting Customers; Brands and Geolocation; The Long Stretch of Location-Based Marketing

Chapter 7
The Finding: Search on Steroids
The New-Mobile Search: The Finders; Finding It When Needed; Finding By Codes; The 2D Bar Code Platform; The Reality of Augmented Reality; More Efficiency with Finding

Chapter 8
Social Goes Mobile
Mobile as Social Platform; Location Awareness; Self-Aggregation; Hyperlocal Marketing; Marketing with Location-Based Services; The Race to Installed Base

Chapter 9
The Push-Pull of Mobile
The Pull of SMS Marketing; One-Time Event Mobile Marketing; The Lure of MMS Marketing; Mobile Results with MMS; The Pull of the Consumer; Strategy, Goals and Flexibility

Chapter 10
The New Laws of (Inbound) Mobile Marketing
Mobile Innovation; Do Something; Mobile Verb Branding; Bumps Along the Way; It's Not About the Phone, It's About the Value

Endnotes; About the Author: About the Mobile Future Institute; Index



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