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[Percival Marshall]

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Percival Marshall's Ship and Ship Models Magazine

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[in order of date published]
1932, August. Volume 1:12

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'Ships and Ship Models' published in August 1932 in Great Britain, Volume 1:12 covering September 1931 - August 1932 for lovers of ships and the sea. Published by Percival Marshall, 38pp long, paperback, staple-bound. Condition - good, clean, tidy and well looked-after copy.
1932, Percival Marshall, staple-binding, magazine

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  • Ships and Ship Models. Volume 1:12 [top]
    Published in August 1932 in Great Britain by Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd of 66 Farringdon Street, E.C.4, London, 38 pages, paperback, staple binding.
    Original retail price: 6d (six pence)
    [Single copies could be ordered for 7.5d and an annual subscription would cost 7s. 6d (seven shillings and sixpence)

Contents of this issue:
The Ship's Log
-Illustration of A Nova-Scotian masted ship discharging timber at a North-Western Seaport

Sail Training in the Royal Navy by B. Lavis
-Photo of H.M.S. "Volage" of the Training Squadron at sea [Nautical Photo Agency]
-Photo of H.M.S "Implacable" in Falmouth Harbour [Nautical Photo Agency]
-Photo of H.M. Training Brig "Martin" [Nautical Photo Agency]
-Photo of H.M. Training Brig "Martin" - different viewpoint [Nautical Photo Agency]
-Drawing of The Coaster (steam powered?) in heavy seas by Harold A. Underhill

Model Sail Making by C. C. Walker
-Fig. 1. Lay-out of rigging
-Fig. 2. Allowance for hem
-Fig. 3. Fitting Clews
-Fig. 4. Form for Filling Sails

The High-Speed Cross-Channel Packet by E. P. Harnack
-Photo of The R.M.S. "Hibernia on the L.M.S Holyhead-Kingstown Service

A Model of H. M. Aircraft Carrier "Glorious": A New Addition to the Series in the Royal United Services Museum by Norman Ough
-Photo of a model of H.M. Aircraft Carrier "Glorious" - Starboard Side
-Photo showing view aft, with the Flight Deck prominently in view of "Glorious"
-Photo showing view forward of

Certifying Ship Models: The New "Badging" Scheme of the Ship Model Society by "Jason"

Notable Ships, Past and Present: No. 6 - The White Star M. V. "Georgic" - author unknown
-Photo of the new White Star Motor Vessel "Georgic". Photo by Stewart Bale

How I Make My Ship Bottle Models by John Mitchell
-Fig. 6. Showing method of arranging shrouds and stays
-Photo of the rigging set for hauling taut
-Fig. 7. Diagram of the Mizzen Royal Braces
-Fig. 8. Diagrame of The Brace Pennant
-Photo of the complete model before insertion in the bottle

A Model of a 130-ton Dumb Barge by A. Smith
-Half deck plan of 130-ton Dumb Barge including section showing timbers and external elevation; also plan showing bottom timbers inside
-Photo of a model of 130-ton Dumb Barge
-Photo showing plan view of model showing internal structure
-two diagrams side by side showing half-cross-section forward and half-cross section aft

A Model of H.M.S. "Bounty" by E. C. Tuffnell, R. N.
-Photo of a model of H.M.S. "Bounty"

The Ship's Mail
-Photo of the "Winterhude" at Stockton
-Photo of the "Passat" [a 4-masted ship, not the Volkswagen car] in the river Tees
-Diagram of Katteval lower block; Deadeye; Katteval top block; and Throat-Halliard block
-Photo of the P.S. "Mileta" in Ramsgate Harbour, 1904
-Diagram of a Derrick

The Ship Modeller's Scrap Book
Books to Read
The Ship Lovers' Association
Northern Notes and Index to Volume 1



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