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History: The Industrial Revolution
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Titles to Look Out For:
The Factory System. Volume 1: Birth and Growth by J. T. Ward
The Factory System. Volume 2: The Factory System and Society by J. T. Ward

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Ward, J. T. 'The Factory System. Volume 1: Birth and Growth', published in 1970 in Great Britain in hardback with dustjacket by David & Charles, 199pp, ISBN 0715349015. Condition: Very good, clean and tidy copy with very good dustjacket. Price: £10, not including post and packing which is Amazon UK's standard charge (currently £2.80 for UK buyers, more for overseas customers)
1970, David & Charles, hbk
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  • The Factory System. Volume 1: Birth and Growth [top]
    Written by J. T. Ward. General Editor: E. R. R. Green
    First published in 1970 in Great Britain by David & Charles by David & Charles in the 'Sources for Social and Economic History' series, in hardback with dustjacket, 199pp, ISBN 0715349015

About this book: The purpose of this book is to trace the rise of the factory system in Britain during the late 18th and early 19th Centuries, as it was seen by contemporaries or early industrial historians. It consists of generally substantial extracts from the classic accounts and from some less celebrated publications, together with brief commentaries and detailed bibliographic notes. Divided into three sections, the book deals with early textile organisation, the Industrial Revolution in textiles and the development of factory-based industry. It has been prepared for the student who has neither the time nor the opportunity to examine a wide range of older works

A. The Norwich Worsted Industry:
1. Arthur Young. 'The Farmer's Tour through the East of England', 1771
2. Sir F. M. Eden. 'The State of the Poor', 1797
B. The Yorkshire Woollen Industry:
3. Daniel Defoe: 'A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain', 1726
4. John Aikin: 'A Description of the Country from thirty to forty Miles round Manchester', 1795
5. Edward Baines: 'The Woollen Manufacture in England', 1857
6. John James 'History of the Worsted Manufacture in England', 1857
C. The Southern Woollen Industries:
7. Arthur Young: 'A Six Weeks Tour Through the Southern Counties', 1768
D. A Mercantile Community:
8. H. R. Fox Bourne: 'English Merchants', 1866
E. The Lancashire Cotton Industry:
9. Edward Baines: 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain', 1835
10. William Radcliffe. 'Origin of the New System of Manufacture', 1828
F. The Hosiery Industry
11. Andrew Ure. 'The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain', 1836
12. William Felkin. 'A History of the Machine-Wrought Hosiery and Lace Manufactures', 1867
G. The Silk Industry
13. Dionysius Lardner (ed). 'A Treatise on...the Silk Manufacture', 1831
H. The Linen Industry
14. A. J. Warden. 'The Linen Trade, Ancient and Modern', 1864
I. The Weaver
15. 'J.C.'. The Weaver's Pocket-Book', 1766
16. Frederick Engels. 'The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844', 1892
17. Samuel Bamford. 'Early Days', 1849

J. The Climate of Opinion
18. Adam Smith. 'The Wealth of Nations', 1776
19. Patrick Colquhoun, 'A Treatise on the Wealth, Power and Resources of the British Empire', 1815
20. Report from the Committee on the State of the Woollen Manufacture.'1806
21. Samuel Smiles. 'Self-Help', 1859
K. The Spinning Inventions
22. Edward Baines. 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain.' 1835
23. Andrew Ure. '
The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain.' 1836
L. The Power Loom
24. Richard Guest. 'A Compendious History of Great Britain.' 1823
M. Steam-Power
25. Edward Baines. 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain.' 1835
26. Andrew Ure. 'The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain.' 1836
27. Messrs Boulton & Watt correspondence
N. The Organisers
28. Edward Baines. 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain.' 1835
29. William Radcliffe. 'Origin of the New System of Manufacture.' 1828
30. Sir John Sinclair (ed). 'The Statistical Account of Scotland.' 1798
31. Robert Owen. 'The Life of Robert Owen.' 1857
32. Edward Baines. 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain.' 1835
33. Benjamin Gott's partnership agreements, 1785, 1817
34. William Grant letter, 1839
O. The Employers
35. Robert Owen. 'A New View of Society.' 1813
36. John Clark. 'History & Annals of Bradford.' 1840

P. The Factory System
37. Andrew Ure. 'The Philosophy of Manufactures.' 1835
Q. The Lancashire Cotton Industry
38. John Aikin. 'A Description of the Country from thirty to forty Miles round Manchester.' 1795
39. Richard Guest. 'A Compendious History of the Cotton Manufacture.' 1823
40. Samuel Bamford. 'Passages in the Life of a Radical.' 1844
41. Andrew Ure. 'The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain.' 1836
42. Edward Baines. 'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain' 1835
R. The Woollen and Worsted Industries
43. Report from the Committee on the State of the Woollen Manufacture, 1806
44. Sir George Head. 'A Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districs.' 1836
45. Angus Reach. 'The Cloth Districts of Yorkshire.' 1850
S. Change in the West
46. William Cobbett. 'Rural Rides.' 1830
47. James Bischoff. 'A Comprehensive History of the Woollen and Worsted Manufactures.' 1842
T.The New Factories
48. Andrew Ure. 'The Philosophy of Manufactures.' 1835
49. Edwin Chadwick. 'Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population.' 1842
50. David Bremner. 'The Industries of Scotland.' 1869


The Industrial Revolution

Ward, J. T. 'The Factory System. Volume II: The Factory System and Society', published in 1970 in Great Britain by David & Charles in hardback, 199pp, ISBN 0715348957. Condition: Very good, well looked-after with very good dustjacket. Price: £9.99, not including post and packing, which is Amazon UK's standard charge (currently £2.80 for UK buyers, more for overseas customers)
1970, David & Charles, hbk
In stock, click to buy for £9.99, not including post and packing (Amazon UK's standard charge of £2.80)

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About this book: This selection of documents illustrates the development of the factory system in the 19th Century. The consequences of the factory - the displacement of handwork, the problem of industrial ill health, urban crowding, long working hours, child labour, and hte new industrial discipline - are examined in the first section. Contemporary comments on the agitation for factory reform, in Parliament and in the textile districts form the second part. Thirdly, the established factory system of the mid-century is seen through the writings of liberal-minded employers, academics, journalists, factory inspectors, operatives and politicians. The documents are chosen to provide a balanced section of celebrated and less-known contemporary accounts and are accompanied by editorial comments and a detailed bibliography

Contents: Introduction

A. Artisans and Machinery:
1. Peter Gaskell. 'Artisans and Machinery', 1836
2. Richard Guest. 'A Compendious History of the Cotton Manufacture', 1823
3. Charles Babbage. 'On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures', 1832
B. Industrial Health:
4. Charles Turner Thackrah: 'The Effects of Arts, Trades and Professions...on Health and Longevity', 1832
5. Robert Baker. 'The Present Condition of the Working Classes', Bradford, 1851
C. The Factory Town:
6. Ernest Jones. 'The Factory Town', 1847
7. John James. 'The History of Bradford', 1866
8. William Cooke Taylor. 'Notes of a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire', 1842
9. John Jones. 'The Cotton Mill', Manchester, 1821
10. Benjamin Disraeli 'Sybil, or the Two Nations', 1845
11. Michael Thomas Sadler. 'The Factory Girl's Last Day', 1832
12. Alexander Thomson 'Random Notes and Rambling Recollections of...Maryhill.' (Glasgow, 1895)
13. [James Myles] 'Chapters in the Life of a Dundee Factory Boy.' (Dundee, 1850)
D. Visits to the Factories
14. [Louis Simond]. 'Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain (Edinburgh, 1815)
15. Frances Trollope. 'The Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong (1840)
16. William Cooke Taylor. 'Notes of a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire.' 1842

E. Child Labour
17. Gilbert J. French. 'The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton.' (Manchester, 1859)
18. Report of Minutes of Evidence respecting the state of health and morals of Children employed in Manufactories. 1816
19. Report from the Select Committee on...the Labour of Children in the Mills and Factories. 1832
E. The Leadership of Richard Oastler
20. Leeds Mercury. 1830
21. Leeds Intelligencer and Leeds Patriot. 1831
22. The Home. 1852
23. The Fleet Papers. 1841
F. The Factory Reformers
24. William Busfeild Ferrand. 'Letters to the Duke of Newcastle'. 1852
25. Ashton and Stalybridge Reporter. 1858
26. Manchester and Salford Advertiser. 1835
27. Protest of the Rev. G. S. Bull. Bradford, 1833
G. The Ten Hours Bill
28. [Samuel Kydd]. 'The History of the Factory Movement.' 1857
29. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Michael Thomas Sadler. 1842
30. Geoffrey Crabtree. 'Factory Commission.' 1833
31. Great Meeting in Leeds. Leeds, 1833
32. [Samuel Kydd]. 'The History of the Factory Movement. 1857
33. First Report from the Commissioners appointed to collect information in the Manufacturing Districts. 1833
H. The Factory Reform Agitation
34. Richard Oastler. Facts and Plain Words. Leeds, 1833
35. Richard Oastler. Speech delivered in...Bradfurd. Leeds, 1833
36. Resolutions of the Society for Promoting National Regeneration. Manchester, 1833
37. Richard Oastler. A Letter to...The Bradford Observer. Bradford, 1834
38. Richard Oastler. 'The Unjust Judge'. Leeds, 1836
39. Joseph Rayner Stephens. A Sermon preached...at Charlestown, 1839
I. The Propaganda Battle
40. John Fielden. 'The Curse of the Factory System.' 1836
41. Charles Wing. 'Evils of the Factory System demonstrated.' 1837
42. Leonard Horner. 'On the Employment of Children.' 1840
43. The Factory Bill. Pudsey, 1836
J. The Later Movement
44. Lord Ashley to the Short Time Committees. 1842
45. Joseph Vickers. 'Ten Hours' Factory Labour'. Keighley, 1844
46. Henry Green, Matthew Balme. 'The Ten Hours' Bill.' Manchester, 1845
47. Lord Ashley to the Short Time Committees. 1846
48. The Champion 'Ryder v. Mills'. 1850

49. Joseph Birley. 'Sadler's Bill. Cotton Branch. Manchester, 1832
50. A Letter to Sir John Cam Hobhouse. 1832
51. Vernon Royle. 'The Factory System Defended'. Manchester, 1833
52. Robert Hyde Greg. 'The Factory Question.' 1837
K. The 'Intellectual' Attitude
53. Nassau W. Senior. 'Letters on the Factory Act.' 1837
54. Andrew Ure. 'The Philosophy of Manufactures.' 1835
55. Francis Place. 'Handloom Weavers and Factory Workers.' 1835
56. Edward Baines. 'The Manufacturing Districts Vindicated. Leeds, 1843
L. The Operation of Factory Legislation
57. Leeds Intelligencer. 1838
58. Leeds Mercury. 1848
59. Reports on the Effects of the Educational Provisions of the Factories Act. 1839
60. Report of Factory Inspector Thomas Jones Howell. 1841
61. 'An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Labour in Factories.' 1844
M. Working-Class Organisations
62. Frank Peel. 'The Risings of the Luddites, Chartists and Plugdrawers.' Heckomondwike, 1888
63. First Report of the Select Committee on Combinations of Workmen. 1838
64. Thomas Cooper. 'The Life of Thomas Cooper.' 1872
65. The Lancaster Trials. 1843
66. Speeches of the Right Honorable T. B. Macauley. 1854
67. The Manchester Guardian (1847, 1850)
68. Robert Baker. 'The Factory Acts Made Easy.' Leeds, 1854
69. Robert Baker. 'On the Physical Effects of Diminished Labour.' 1859
70. Sir Edwin Hodder. 'The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K. G. 1886
N. Industry's Triumph
71. The Times. 1851

Notes; Index


Reform in the Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution - the Workers


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