1946, Ian Allan, pbk
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- LB & SCR Locomotives: A Survey from 1870 - 1927 [top]
First published in 1946
in Great Britain by Ian Allan in paperback in their ABC Locomotive Series of publications, 57pp, stitched binding, no ISBN
The writing of the book was assisted greatly by Mr. W. Beckerlegge (acknowledge by the author in the 'Introductory' chapter)
About the book: 57 pages in length, published in 1946 by Ian Allan and with space at the back for notes on your favourite locos, this book takes a look at the locomotives of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway during the period 1870 - 1927. The author F. Burtt was an old "Brighton" man himself and the publisher points out in their publisher's note at the start of the book that they asked Mr. Burtt to prepare a book on this topic because of the daily increasing interest in the locomotives of the LBSC railway in the railway technical press. The background is important here: Three railway enterprises came together to form the "Southern Railway" and the Southern Railway comprised therefore three sections: Western, Central and Eastern. The LBSCR is the Central Section of the "Southern Railway". To the interested reader, therefore, it should be pointed out that alongside this volume of the L.B.S.C.R. Locomotives: A Survey From 1870-1927, there is a further two books: London and South Western Railway Locomotives 1872-1923 and S.E.C.R Locomotives 1874-1923. The book covers four main periods during the survey period mentioned: those of Stroudley, R. J. Billinton, Marsh and L. Billinton. These four Locomotive Superintendents between them brought out no less than twenty-seven different classes of locomotive - Stroudley 10, Billinton 7, Marsh 6, Billinton Jr 4. The book discusses the features of the LBSCR locomotives - what was unique about them, how they were painted, developments, outstanding locomotive designs, and what happened after grouping in December 1922. Stroudley's, Marsh's, and the Billintons' careers are also described. The main focus of the book is a class by class catalogue with picture, history, when built dates, names and interesting facts and features. For the engine enthusiast, who likes facts, figures, pictures and history, and commentary from a time when many of these engines were still operating (it's a real drop into the past), this is an ideal purchase comprehensively covering the LBSCR during the focal period
Briefly, looking at their engines, this book covers the careers of:
William Stroudley
Robert John Billinton
Douglas Earle Marsh
Lawson B. Billinton
Stroudley Engines Covered:
Class C. Goods Tender Engine 0-6-0, 20 built 1871-1874. Picture: No. 84
Class B. Passenger Tender Engine, 6 built 1872-1875. Picture: No. 201, Belgravia, at Battersea in 1873
Class A1. Passenger Tank Engine, 50 built, 1872-1880, a.k.a "Terriers", specially built to work the East London Line between New Cross and Liverpool Street; and the South London Line between London Bridge station and Victoria terminus. Picture: No. 82, Boxhill
Class A1x. Passenger Tank Engine 0-6-0, 17 in class (reboilered A1 Class by D. E. Marsh and L. B. Billinton). Picture: No. 2636, originally No. 72
Class D1. Passenger Tank 0-4-2, 125 built, 1873-1887. Picture: No. 232, Lewes
Class D1x. Passenger Tank 0-4-2T, 1 in class (reboilered D1 class No. 20 by D. E. Marsh, in 1910). No picture
Class G. 2-2-2 Passenger Tender Engine, 26 built, 1874-1882. Picture No. 336, Edinburgh
Class E1. Goods Tank Engine, 79 built, 1874-1891. Picture No. 128, Avignon
Class E1/x. Goods Tank Engine 0-6-0T, 1 in class (reboilered and rebuilt E1 class No. 89 in 1911, afterwards 689, by W. Stroudley and D. E. Marsh)
Class E1/r. Mixed Traffic Tank Engine 0-6-2T, 10 in class rebuilt 1927-1928 by W. Stroudley and R. E. L. Maunsell
Class D2. Mixed Traffic Tender Engine 0-4-2, 14 in class, built 1876-1883. Picture: No. 303, Milan
Type D3. Passenger Tender Engine 0-4-2, 6 in class, built 1878-1880. Picture: No. 213, Norfolk
Class C1. Goods Tender Engine 0-6-0, 12 in class, built 1882-1887. Picture: No. 422. A.k.a. the "Jumbos"
Class B1. Passenger Tender Engine 0-4-2, 36 in class, built 1882-1891, "Gladstone" class. Picture: No. 195, Cardew
R. J. Billinton Engines Covered:
Class D3. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 36 in class, built 1892-1896. Picture: No. 363, Goldsmid
Class D3x. Passenger Tank 0-4-4 T, 2 in class (Nos. 396 and 397 reboilered 1909) by W. Stroudley and R. J. Billinton
Class E3. Six Coupled Radial Tank 0-6-2T, 17 in class, built 1891-1895. By W. Stroudley and R. J. Billinton. No picture
Class C2. Goods Tender Engine 0-6-0, 55 in class, built 1893-1902. Picture: No. 433
Class C 2x. Goods Tender Engine 0-6-0, 45 in class, re-built 1908-1940 (the C2 class engines reboilered). By R. J. Billinton and D. E. Marsh. Picture: Class C 2x, No. 545
Classes B 2 & B 3. Passenger Tender Engines 4-4-0, 25 in class, built 1895-1898. Picture: No. 316 Goldsmid
Class B 2x. Passenger Tender Engine 4-4-0, 25 in class, rebuilt 1907-1916 (B2 Class reboilered to increase boiler capacity with drastic alterations to original design). By R. J. Billinton and D. E. Marsh. Picture: No. 213, Bessemer
Class E4. Mixed Traffic Radial Tank Engine 0-6-2T, 75 in class. Built 1897-1903. Picture: No. 488, Oakwood
Class E4x. Mixed Traffic Radial Tank Engine 0-6-2T, 4 in class (reboilered E4 class Nos. 466, 478, 489 reboilered in 1909 and No. 477 in 1911)
Class B4. Passenger Tender Engine 4-4-0, 33 in class. Built 1899 - 1902. Picture: No 42, His Majesty
Class E5. Radial Passenger Tank Engine 0-6-2T, 30 in class. Built 1902-1904. Picture: No. 590 Lodsworth
Class E6. Goods Radial Tank Engine 0-6-2T, 12 in class. Built 1904-1905. The first one of these engines, No. 407, was completed only a few weeks after R. J. Billinton's death
D. Earle Marsh Engines Covered:
[All the engines built by Marsh (except one) were a radical departure from engines seen on the LBSCR system before, so the close of 1905 heralded a new era in steam locomotive design on this network]
Class H1. "Atlantic" Express Tender Engine 4-4-2, 5 in class. Built 1905-1906. Picture: No. 38
Class C3. Goods Tender Engine 0-6-0, 10 in class. Built 1906. Picture: No. 301
Class II. Passenger Tank Engine 4-4-2, 20 in class. Built 1906-1907. Picture: No. 595. During Mr. Maunsell's time, all of these were fitted with B4 boilers and Classed IIx. I Ix Picture: No. 596
Class I 2. Passenger Tank Engine 4-4-2, 10 in class. Built 1907-1908. Picture: No. 13
Class I 3. Express Passenger Tank Engine 4-4-2, 27 in class. Built 1907 - 1913. Picture: No 21
Class I 4. Passenger Tank Engine 4-4-2T, 5 in class. Built 1908
Class J. Express Passenger Tank Engine, 2 in class. Built 1910 and 1912. Picture: No. 326 Bessborough. No. 325 Abergavenny was regarded as Douglas Earle Marsh's finest engine and was the first express tank engine in England with the 4-6-2 wheel arrangement. No 326 was similar to 325, but had Walschaert's valve gear fitted and other minor alterations
Class H2. "Atlantic" Express Tender Engine 4-4-2. 6 in class. Built 1911-1912 from Marsh's designs. Picture: No. 421
Douglas Earle Marsh retired from the position of locomotive engineer in December 1911.
L. B. Billinton Engines Covered
Class E2. Goods Tank Engine 0-6-0, 10 in class. Built 1913-1916. Picture: No. 100
Class K. Express Goods Tender Engine 2-6-0, 17 in class. Built 1913-1921. Picture: No. 337
Class L. Express Passenger Tank Engine 4-6-4, 7 in class. Built 1914-1922. Picture: No. 333 Remembrance. Between 1934 and 1936, Maunsell converted these into 4-6-0 express tender engines, classed N.15/x. Picture: No. 2332 Stroudley
Class B 4x. Passenger Tender Engine 4-4-0, 12 in class. Built 1922-1924. Picture: No. 52 Sussex |
1949, Ian Allan, pbk
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1975, Harvester Press, pbk
Southern Region Locomotive Books on Amazon:
1949, Ian Allan
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About the Book: This is one of three books written by F. Burtt to document the story of the three railway enterprises that came together to form the "Southern Railway"
So, alongside this volume of the London and South Western Railway Locomotives 1872-1923, there is also:
S.E.C.R. Locomotives 1874-1923
L.B.S.C.R. Locomotives 1870-1927
As the book states in the Publisher's Note, the story of the L.S.W.R is presented for the first time in book form with the author's characteristic regard for accuracy, interest and economy of space
The book is packed full of data on the locomotive classes of the L.S.W.R. and includes many very good quality black & white photographs of locomotives; and many tables that detail locomotive number, works number, date of manufacture, date of rebuilding (e.g. with new Adams boiler), names, dimensions, information on superheating, new numbers and date of renumbering; and withdrawn dates.
It's not just facts & data though, this book is interestingly and well-written; and more importantly it's concise and to the point; and the layout is clear and well-presented.
Brief History of the London and South Western Railway (LSWR)
Career of William Adams
Career of Dugald Drummond
Career of Robert W. Urie
Chronology of Engines Built at Nine Elms Works
The Duplicate Locomotive List
Power Classification
Section 1. The Beattie Engines (p12-p22)
Section 2. W. Adams (p23-p50)
Section 3. D. Drummond (p51-p81)
Section 4. R. W. Urie, 1912-1922 (p82-p88)
Miscellaneous Engines
Serial Index to locos built at Nine Elms and Eastleigh
Index to the Locomotives included
Photographs Included (in the order in which they appear):
Adams T3, No. 563, at the Waterloo Station Centenary, 1948
Drummond K10, No. 394, location not given, date not given
Drummond T9, No. 338, Weybridge, 1921
Adams T3, No. 560 and Drummond S11, No. 403 at Waterloo Station, 1904
T9, No. 305 (oil fired), location not given, 1947
"273" Class No. 286, with individual brass numerals, location not given, undated
"Ilfracombe Goods" No. 393, no location given, undated
Surviving "Beattie Tank" No. 3298, no location given, undated
"302" Class, No. 152, with Adams boiler and Drummond chimney, no location given, undated
"318" Class, No. 323, with "B.P. & Co." features retained, no location given, undated
"330" Class, No. 330, no location given, undated
"348" Class, No. 358, no location given, undated
"348" Class, No. 351, Exmouth, 1892
"46" Class, No. 374, converted to 4-4-2T, no location given, undated
"380" Class, No. 384, no location given, undated
"135" Class, No. 136, with Drummond's conical smokebox door, no location given, undated
"395" Class, No. 105, as she was
"395" Class, No. 3440, as she was at the time of publication, with ex-L.C.D.R boiler and Adams 3300-gallon tender, no location given, undated
"415" Class, No. 418, with individual brass numerals, no location given, undated
"445" Class, No. 0447, Southern Region, Andover, 1925
"460" Class, No. 468, with Drummond modifications, no location given, undated
Class A12, No. 527, the first "Jubilee", no location given, undated
Class O4, No. 641, no location given, undated
Class F6, No. 366, with slight modifications by Drummond, no location given, undated
Class O2, No. 232, in "Adams" condition
Class O2, No. 19 Osborne, in rebuilt condition, at Ryde in 1936
Class X2, No. 584, when new, no location given, undated
Class T3, No. 573, in "Adams" style, no location given, undated
Class T6, No. 686, in early Drummond days, no location given, undated
Class X6, No. 661, Nine Elms, 1895
Class X6, No. 658, with Drummond boiler, etc, at Exmouth Junction, 1922
Class B4, No. 100, which retained Adams chimney throughout WWII, no location given, undated
Class B4, No. 81, ready for transfer to Southampton Docks, 1893
Drummond Docks Tank with Boiler Filtrator, no location given, 1934
The Projected Adams 4-2-2 single wheeler express engine (single wheelers were a revival due to the invention of the steam-sanding gear. This design was never built-it was already the case that single wheelers had not been built for the South Western for over 33 years
Class G6, No. 257, the first one built, no location given, undated
Class X14, No. 126, before and after rebuild, no location given, undated
Class "700", No. 687, "Black Motor", with hooter and conical smokebox door, no location given, undated
Class "700", No. 699, rebuilt by Urie, no location given, undated
Class E10, No. 370, standard bogie tender, no location given, undated
Class T7, No. 720, with 1905 large boiler, no location given, undated
Class C8, No. 292, in "photo-grey" livery, no location given, undated
Class T9, No. 773, the Glasgow Exhibition Engine, no location given, undated
Class T9, No, 199, ready for the 1935 Royal Train, no location given, undated
Drummond's "Cab" on its last duy, 1932, no location given, undated
Class K10, No. E390 in Southern Region livery at Fratton in 1931
Class L11, No. 409, with firebox water tubes
Class S11, No, 395, first photo ever of the class, no location given, undated
Class S11, No. 400, rebuilt and with A. R. P screens, no location given, undated
Class L12, No. 423, with water-tube firebox
Class L12, in modern form, Brighton, 1939
Class F.13-1, No. 330, no location given, undated
Class E.14, No. 335, no location given, undated
Class G.14-1, No. 453, no location given, undated
Class B15-1, No. 458 rebuilt 1915, no location given, undated
Class T.14-4, No. 446, altered 1931, no location given, undated
Class F.13-4, 333, rebuilt 1920
Steam Motor Cars: Joint Car No. 1 as built and as rebuilt; and L.S.W.R Car No. 2; and L.S.W.R final design No. 5, no locations or dates given for the four pictures
Joint Car No. 1 derelict in Brighton, 1919, no location given, undated
"Single Wheeler" motor engine, Class C14, no location given, undated
Class S14, No. 101, Eastleigh's first engine
Class D15, No. 468, in original form, no location given, undated
Class D15, No. 472 and 463 oil-fired, no location given, but both in 1947
Class H15, the first, No, 486, no location given, undated
Class N15, express class, No. 743, called 'Lyonnesse' at the time of publication, no location given, undated
Class S15, No. 507, as Southern Region No. E507, no location given, but otherwise unchanged in 1925
Class G16, Feltham "Hump" Shunting Tank, No. 492, no location given, but in 1921
Class H16, goods tank class, No. 516, in 1921, no location given
"Scott" No. 21 (an engine exhibited in 1862 at the Hyde Park Exhibition and subsequently bought by the Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway). Was sold to the L.S.W.R in 1871 and then named after Archibald Scott, General Manager of the L.S.W.R. No location given, undated
"E.D." Loco. believed to be Stephenson on early trials of automatic train control. No location given, undated
Southampton Quay shunter Cowes. No location given, undated
Ex-Southampton Dock Co. Vulcan, no location given, undated
Ex-L.S.W.R No. 734 as Southern Region W2, in the Isle of Wight, 1927. Now No. 8 Freshwater and rebuilt with extended smokebox
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1947, Ian Allan Ltd, pbk
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About the Book:
The author F. Burtt set out to record in terms of the locomotives the story of the three railway enterprises that came together to form the "Southern Railway". So, alongside this volume of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway Locomotives 1874-1923, there are also the companion volumes the 'L.B.S.C.R. Locomotives 1870-1927' and 'L.S.W.R. Locomotives, 1872-1923'. The cover of this book was printed with the wrong starting date of 1878 on it; the period the book looks at starts 1874, especially because the Locomotive Superintendent of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway - William Kirtley - took up his position in May 1874, holding it until December 1898. The other railway that was united with the L.C.D.R in January 1899 to form the L.B. & S.C.R railway was the South Eastern Railway, which Mr. James Stirling joined as locomotive superintendent in 1878. This book briefly covers both Kirtley's and Stirling's careers.
When they both retired, they were followed by Mr. H. S. Wainwright and SE & CR locomotive superintendent, who in turn was succeeded by Mr. R. E. L Maunsell.
Kirtley built four main types of engine:
1. A Passenger Locomotive
2. A Goods tank
3. A mainline passenger engine
4. A Goods Tender Engine
The L.C.D.R was not financially strong, but Kirtley still built some fine engines, all capable of coping all the types of traffic they were asked to handle
Introduction; The South Eastern Railway; The London, Chatham and Dover Railway; Liveries; William Kirtley; James Stirling; Harry S. Wainwright; Richard Edward Lloyd Maunsell, M.A.; Types of Locomotive Brakes; Superheaters; Index to Locomotives: L. C. & D. Railway, S.E. Railway, S. E. & C. Railway. Each class of locomotive for each of the railways mentioned above is given its own section with at least one photograph and interesting facts and figures such as wheel size, numbering, withdrawn date, works number, design history, modifications, and interesting stories. The book has some blank pages at the back for the owner to make notes on. This is a thoroughly detailed work, meticulously researched by the author and a must for the railway, steam or Southern Region enthusiast and, or historian
Locomotives Covered:
Kirtley Locomotives:
Class A. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 18 engines in class; built 1875. Picture: A2 Class, No. 538, L. C. D. R. No. 79
Classes A1 & A2, Passenger Tank 0-4-T, 18 engines in class, built 1880-1884
Classes B, B1 and B2 Goods tender 0-6-0, 6 engines in each class, built 1876-1877 and in 1891. Photos: B Class, No. 139 and B1 Class No. 153 (both on page 14, both taken by F. Burtt)
Class M. Express Tender 4-4-0, 44 engines in class, built 1877-1901. Photo: M2 Class No. 179 in L.C.D.R. livery, taken by author
Class T, Shunting Tank 0-6-0T, 10 engines in class, Built 1879-1893 at Longhedge Works. Photo: T Class, No. A607, L.C.D.R No. 148; taken by the author
Classes R & RI. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 18 engines in R class; 15 in RI. Built 1891 and 1900 and constructed by Sharp, Stewart & Co. Photo: R Class No.667 (L.C.D.R. 208)
Section 2: James Stirling Locomotives:
Class O. Goods Tender 0-6-0, 122 engines in class, built 1878-1899 and constructed by Sharp, Stewart & Co., and at Ashford Works. Photo: O class, 386 in S.E.R livery, taken by author; and O class No. 298, short chimney for the Canterbury to Whitstable branch
Class OI. Tender 0-6-0, 58 engines in class, rebuilt 1903-1927, photo
of an unidentified O I class taken by J. Click
Class A. Passenger Tender Engine 4-4-0, 12 engines in class, built 1879-1881 and all constructed at Ashford. Photo of Class A, No. 1263 with Westinghouse brakes, taken by F. Burtt
Class Q. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 118 engines in class, built 1881-1897 and constructed at Ashford Works, and by Neilson and Sharp, Stewart. Photo: Q368 as built, with early vacuum brake system. Also a photo of QI, non-condensing, sandboxes re-sited
Class QI. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 55 engines in class, rebuilt 1903-1919. Photo: Q I, 180 condensing and short chimney for tunnel work
Class F. Express Tender 4-4-0, 88 engines in class, built 1883-1898 in Ashford. Photo is of F, No. 240 Gold Medallist, Paris, 1889. Also a photo of F, No. 104 in grey livery
Class F. I. Express Tender 4-4-0, 76 engines in class, rebuilt 1903-1919. Photo: FI, No. 9 , showing Stirling's steam reversing gear
Classes R & RI. Shunting Tank 0-6-0, 25 engines in class, built 1888-1898 at Ashford Works. Photos: R, No. A124 (Southern Region) with N Class short chimney for Whitstable branch; also RI, No 127 at Redhill Shed
Classes B & BI. Express Tender 4-4-0. 29 engines in class, built 1898-1899 by Neilson, Reid & Co. and at Ashford Works. Rebuilt 1910-1927. Photo: B, No. 442 when new taken by F. Burtt; also a photo of BI, No. A452 in early Southern Region days.
Section 3: H. S. Wainwright-Pickersgill Locomotives
Class G. Passenger Tender 4-4-0, 5 engines in class. Built 1899. Constructed by Neilson, Reid & Co. (Makers' Nos. 5607-5611). Photo: G. Class No. 677, G.N.S.R design, taken by F. Burtt
Class C. Goods Tender 0-6-0, 109 engines in class. Built 1900-1908. Constructed at Ashford Works, Longhedge Works, and by Neilson, Reid & Co. and Sharp, Stewart & Co., Glasgow. Photo: C. Class No. 255 in photo-grey livery when new
Class H. Passenger Tank 0-4-4T, 66 engines in class. Built 1904-1915. Ashford works. Photo: H. Class No. 540. A similarity in the look of this locomotive with QI is apparent. Source: S.E.C.R
Class D. Express Tender 4-4-0, 51 engines in class. Built 1901-1907. Constructed at Ashford Works., Vulcan Foundry, Dübs, Stephenson and Sharp, Stewart
Class E. Express Tender 4-4-0, 26 engines in class. Built 1905-1909. Constructed at Ashford Works. Photo: E. Class No. 507, taken by F. Burtt
Classes E1 & D1. Express Tender 4-4-0.
11 engines in the EI class - rebuilt 1919-1920. 21 engines in Class D1, rebuilt 1921-1927. Rebuilt at Ashford, and by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Manchester. Photo: D1, Southern Region, rebuilt from S.E.C.R D, No. 743. Taken by W. H. Whitworth with the Hampton Furniture Works in the background
Class P. Pull & Push Tank 0-6-0T, 8 engines in class. Built 1909-1920 at Ashford. Photo: P. Class No. 178 in tentative austerity livery, period 1914-1918.Taken by W. Beckerigge. The P Class was primarily designed for working light branch services and rail motor sets.
Class J. Passenger Tank 0-6-4T. 5 engines in class. Built 1913 at Ashford Works. Photo: Class J. No. 1596 (Southern Region), S.E.C.R No. 129
Section 4. R. E. L. Maunsell
Class L. Express Tender 4-4-0. 22 engines in class. Built 1914 by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Manchester and A. Borsig, Berlin. Borsig supplied the delivery of the last ten of these locomotives because British builders could not meet the delivery requirements of June 1914. Beyer, Peacock built the first twelve. Maunsell's appointment as C.M.E coincided with the preparation of the drawings for the powerful express engine at Ashford for the heavy summer traffic expected in 1914 made possible by the strengthening of the mainline. Maunsell of course made some modifications to the drawings. Photo: Class L. No. A763 Betty Baldwin, in early Southern Region livery. Taken by W. J. Reynolds.
Classes N & N1. Mixed Traffic 2-6-0 engine. 13 engines in class, built 1917-1922 at Ashford Works. Photo: Class N. No. 1823 built in 1923 by Southern Region and seen in 1945 black livery. Taken by F. Burtt.
Class S. Shunting 0-6-0ST engine. 1 engine in class, rebuilt at Ashford in 1917. Photo: No. 1685, the Southern Region's only remaining Saddle Tank at the time of the publication of this booklet in 1947. Photo sourced from S.E.C.R. This was Wainwright's C. Class goods No. 685 converted by Maunsell to increase the available adhesive weight. No other C. Class engines were rebuilt. 1685 was usually to be found at the Bricklayers' Arms on shunting work.
Class K. Passenger Tank 2-6-4T, 1 engine in class, built 1917 at Ashford Works. Photo: K Class No. A790 in first Southern Region Green, now U1790 (2-6-0). Photo sourced from Southern Region.
Miscellaneous Engines:
No. 302. Ashford Works Crane Locomotive to lift 50cwt built by Neilson & Co. in 1881
No. 313. Folkestone Harbour Shunter 0-4-0 Saddle Tank built by Manning Wardle in 1881
No. 353. Ashford Works Shunter 0-6-0 Saddle Tank built by Manning Wardle in 1890
No. 409. Ashford Works Crane Locomotive to lift 40cwt built by Neilson & Co. in 1896. Had longer jib than 302.
No. 751. Stroudley 0-6-0 Side Tank built by L.B.S.C.R in 1875 & formerly L.B.S.C.R No. 54 Waddon.
No. 752. Folkestone Harbour Shunter 0-6-0 Saddle Tank built by Manning Wardle in 1879
Nos. 299-301. The first engines with these numbers were part of an order for 10 4-4-0 Side Tank Engines of the Metropolitan B Class built by Beyer, Peacock & Co. in 1880.
Stirling 2-4-0 Engines from the Great Northern Railway - in 1913 two G.N.R 2-4-0s were borrowed and worked passenger services on the S.E. & C.R. They were Nos. 1067 and 1069. Others followed in the next 3 months: Nos. 204, 206, 699, 714, 756, 759, 820, 895, 898, 991, 992, 994 and 995. All had been rebuilt by Ivatt with domed boilers. Photo: No. 353, Ashford Works Shunter unitl 1929. Taken by F. Burtt.
Stirling 0-6-0 Engines from the Hull & Barnsley Railway. In May 1915 due to WW1 breaking out, the SE & CR needed more goods engines and borrowed 15 from the Hull & Barnsley Rwy. They were returned shortly after the end of the war.
Due to the railway facing competition from rapidly expanding suburban tramways, Wainwright followed the policy kicked off by Drummond (L.S.W.R) of using a small-engined unit with horizontal loco. type boiler and a saloon car to work short branch lines. Cars Nos 1 and 2 were built in 1905 and Nos. 3 to 8 were built in 1906. Kitson & Co. built the detachable loco portion. Various builders built the coachwork. The engine 0-4-0T, was a special Wainwright design, with Belpaire firebox and Walschaert valve gear, both new innovations on the S.E.C.R |
1947, Ian Allan, pbk
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